Skills Test/LPC| Tiger Helicopters
Skills Test/LPC

In-house examiner – Simon Everall
At the end of your PPL(H) flying course & once you have passed all 9 written exams, you are required to fly a skills test with a CAA approved examiner. The flight is a combination of navigation & general handling of the helicopter. At the beginning & end of the flight you will receive a full debrief and subject to you flying to the required standard, the examiner will sign you off as a qualified Private Helicopter Pilot!
To keep your license current, you must fly at least 2 hours a year (in each type you are rated on) and complete an annual Licence Proficiency Test (LPC) – this flight is around 40 mins and covers general handling and safety procedures of the helicopter.
At Tiger, we are lucky to have our own in house Examiner, Simon Everall. Simon is a highly experienced Helicopter Flight Instructor with almost a decade’s worth of experience and several thousand hours under his belt. He has held his Examiner’s rating for almost 5 years. The benefit of an in house examiner is that you can fly your Skills Test or LPC at a friendly & familiar airfield in aircraft you are comfortable in. You may also meet Simon during the time of your course & he’s a very friendly character – which means no intimidating examiner to worry about on the day of your test!
Simon is rated on R22, R44 & B206 JetRanger & is available for Skills Tests, LPCs & Type Rating Tests – to book your test please email